Threat Anticipation: From News to Protection in a Few Hours


Threat anticipation as part of our MDR service is your best possible defense against zero day vulnerabilities. Picture this, you’re commuting to work; you’ve planned your day and have allocated all your resources in the right place. While browsing through your favorite security blog you read about a huge company that’s been penetrated by some new vulnerability which you’ve never heard  of. By the time you get to the office, it’s all over social media and you realize you need to scramble to defend your systems before it’s too late. 


Threat Anticipation


So you start combing through countless security blogs you’ve never even heard of in an attempt to gather as much information on the new vulnerability as possible but there’s just one problem. All the information that you can find is either extremely high level or just not relevant your environment and thus you spend countless hours strategizing on how best to protect your system.

This leads to endless amounts of frustration because after numerous hours or sometimes days on this task, you need to deal with the backlog that you’ve left behind.  If only there was a solution which you could rely on that would back you up in these kinds of situations.

Introducing Threat Anticipation-as-a-Service

Our team sifts through around 100 tb a day of data from multiple sources across the internet and even darknet in order to remain fully up to date on exactly what is going on in the world of zero day vulnerabilities.  In doing so we do so, we gather this information and customize it for each of our customers so that you have the exact steps which you need in order to protect your specific environment. This is Threat Anticipation as a service. We don’t give you high level suggestions which leave you wondering why you ever signed up in the first place. Instead we understand your exact network environment, topology and tools and tell you exactly how to protect yourself.

How Does Threat Anticipation Work?

Threat Anticipation

Customer Benefits of Threat Anticipation

Easily Protect yourself from an average of a few hundred global reported breaches and outbreaks annually.
Cut out all the noise in generic threat intelligence feeds. You ave 24×7 access to specialized security experts.
Leverage our 60+ sources of threat intelligence for the best possible threat anticipation which fits comfortably in a single dashboard.
Threat anticipation-as-a-service reduces your TCO for 60%.

Get in Touch Today 

Make Zero Day Vulnerabilities a problem of the past. 

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